Power Texting: Key Use Cases

We clipped a video from a recent webinar we did for our customers about texting. The video demonstrates how home improvement contractors or installers of home goods can utilize texting as a tool to automate customer interactions and improve their business operations. Texting can be integrated into scheduling and job management software to streamline communication and enhance customer service. Take a look at the short video below:

Here are the potential use cases for text messaging covered in this video:

  1. Introducing Yourself: A nice customer greeting text to get the service job started on the right foot, and with proper context.
  2. Scheduling and Rescheduling: Customers can request scheduling changes or rescheduling via text, simplifying the process for both parties.
  3. Sharing Calendar Links: Real convenient for the customer, and helps ensure they don’t forget your appointment.
  4. Appointment Reminders: Contractors can send automated text reminders to customers about upcoming appointments, reducing the likelihood of no-shows and last-minute cancellations.
  5. Technician Reminders: To remind your techs about past due jobs, based on triggers in the job management system.
  6. Feedback and Reviews: After completing a project, contractors can request feedback from customers via text and encourage them to leave reviews on relevant platforms.

By effectively integrating texting into your business processes, you can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce administrative overhead, and potentially increase your revenue by polishing your online image and providing a more convenient and responsive service.


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