Why Our Clients Chose Cilio
People are Talking
Our clients are sharing the reasons for leaving their old systems and processes to join the Cilio community. The issues they experienced with their old methods are common, and most field service companies can relate. The good news is you don't have to settle for a solution that's lacking. Let us know when you're ready to join us, too.
What customers are saying and how Cilio helped

"My last software provider took days to respond. Poor support"
We pride ourselves with an industry leading support team. Reach us by phone, email, or even live chat where we staff highly qualified US-based support reps to get you answers right when you need them.

"Managing the Lead Safe process was all manual in my last system"
We integrate directly with Zillow so you’ll know the age of the home, then provide additional visibility to Lead Safe work. There are dedicated fields to save Lead test results, and automated paperwork is generated to save you time and keep consistent. We can even automatically update your big-box retailers as needed to ensure compliance.

"My last system was very technical, not user friendly"
Cilio is set up to easily find what you need. Everything for a job is on one page, without having to flip between separate tabs or screens. Unique permission roles ensure that different team members only see what they need to do their job. Combined with clean mobile views for the field techs, we cater to “non-techy” people.

"I needed a better way to track my crew's pay by line item"
We can help you set up crew pay rules to pay by: (1) Flat rate per job, (2) Percent of job total, (3) Pay via billable hours, (4) Pay by Line Item. You can use these methods in combination. For example: Pay a tech $XX dollars per sq. foot they install, but then pay them say 50% of custom labor.

"I had been sold on features and products, but it didn't work as expected or not at all"
Any feature we build is a direct result of multiple client requests to solve a business problem. We work very closely with our clients on the design, testing, and functionality of every feature to ensure we’re effectively solving real pain points.

"We needed our system to grow along with our company. Cilio has invested in the capabilities we needed"
Everyone does roughly the same thing. A product is sold and then installed. HOW this happens is what separates each company. Cilio’s platform is built to let you set up and manage your system the way YOU want to run the business. Then we back it up with an amazing support team to ensure your needs are met, both running it today while planning for tomorrow.